Tuesday, December 19, 2006

"If Anyone Deserves To Be Happy..."

What significance does this statement really possess? "If anyone deserves to be happy, it's you." I can see the potentially good intentions behind making such a statement but it just irritates me. Doesn't everyone deserve to be happy? And ultimately, aren't we responsible for our own happiness? How ridiculous is that...to hypothetically suppose that if happiness were to be handed to just ONE person...

I think what bothers me so much about this statement is the hidden implication that the person to which it is being uttered is rather pathetic...a victim...someone that just can't get things right in life somehow. And therefore, they deserve happiness more than anyone else. Ugh. Not one of my favorites!


Cavalock said...

I guess its such a common phrase that pple say it without really thinking twice bout it.

Run Around Paris said...

I've never really thought of that statement/sentiment before, but you make a good point.

B said...

cavalock...yeah, there are so many expressions that just get thrown out there without much thought about what they really mean. i just like including these in my blog because they pop into my head during the day and i wonder what other people think!

run around paris...it is a silly thing to get hung up on but being the word nerd that i am...i think about these things all the time!

Richard said...

I don't think I have ever heard that one. Of course everyone deserves to be happy.